[stgt] [PATCH] tgtadm manpage and help: improvements

Pete Batard pbatard at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 02:17:09 CEST 2010

This one has been bothering me for a little while, so I hope it'll be 
helpful. Overall, I found the tgtadm help to be very inconsistent, with 
options being provided with an equal sign but others without, long and 
short options being mixed in the examples, short options not being 
documented in the man page, square brackets being used for optional and 
non optional, etc.

For first time users, I fear this lack of consistency doesn't provide a 
very good impression of an otherwise excellent set of utilities, and 
thus the attached patch attempts to remedy that.

Note that the man and html diff included in the patch come from files 
that have been regenerated from the xml, so they can be ignored if you 
run xsltproc.

I have also not taken care of the parameters, that are currently left 
out of the man/html page (eg: --cid, --user, --bsoflags...) but appear 
with tgtadm -h. I suppose you probably want to add some examples for 
these options in the .xml as well.


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