[stgt] towards new iser implementation

Alexander Nezhinsky nezhinsky at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 19:31:01 CEST 2010

> I think that sharing the iSCSI login/logout and session/connection state
> machine logic between iSER and traditional iSCSI makes sense, including
> the handful of iSER specific keys that you mention for full feature
> phase (FFP) before the fabric specific state transition into DDP mode
> occurs.

yes, sure. one thing, we have to turn all the login/text functions to
work on plain
char buffers (as i sugested already), and besides, we have to pay attention
to some subtleties of iser-specific keys - this path is still looks
buggy both in
the initiator and target.
i don't not have fixes, but i'll send at least the description of the
bug one day :)

> The long term goal here is to include this logic into a kernel level
> target mode library for both iSCSI and iSER to take advantage of.  This
> would be represented by a dynamic control plane
> $TARGETNAME/$TARGETPORTALGROUPTAG in /sys/kernel/config/target/iser/
> using the new kernel level fabric independent configfs infrastructure in
> lio-core-2.6.git/lio-4.0.
> A shorter term goal would be getting the core kernel level target mode
> iSER up and running with a LIO-Target v4.x base using existing iSER
> initiator code including kernel space items along the lines what you
> have observed above with your own efforts.

what kind of api is the kernel target based upon?
to have a reasonable common library it should be made truly asynchronous-
then both tcp (which is synchronous) and iser will use it happily
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