[wpkg-users] Python script questions / ProEngineer

Brian Reese breese at boston-engineering.com
Fri Dec 12 18:16:03 CET 2008

Hey All,

I have a few questions. Heres a brief overview to get some context. I had some problems with ProEngineer producing an exit code too soon. Setup.exe spawns a child process that actually does the entire install, then quits. Upon the Setup.exe quit, it returns a successful exit code to WPKG causing WPKG to move on before the install is finished, creating multiple simultaneous installs. I found the process and thought I would be slick by writing a python script that I call in WPKG. It starts the install ProEngineer install and then does a check loop for the child process. The python script quits when the install is finished. I hoped once the python script quits, it would return that exit code to WPKG, causing it to move on when I wanted (at the end of the install). So after that (not so)brief summary, here are my questions:

Does WPKG actually recognize python?
   - I dont think it does, So i tried to call this whole thing against python.exe.

How does WPKG use double quoting? Is there an escape character for quoting?

Anyone know of a better way to do this? Really, its all PTC's fault for making the ProE installer so stupid.

I'll include the python script and my ProE package below:

Too Long, See attached.

WPKG Package Entry:

   name="Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0"
   <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Pro/ENGINEER Release Wildfire 2.0 Datecode M280" />
   <install cmd='%WPKGROOT%\tools\python26\python.exe %Software%\ProE\Watchdog.py y "\software\wpkg\software\ProE\WildFire2\Disk1of3\setup.exe -uitrail" "\software\wpkg\software\ProE\WildFire2\Disk1of3\WF2TrailFile.txt"' />

Brian Reese
IT Desktop Support
Boston Engineering
411 Waverly Oaks Rd. Suite 114
Waltham, MA, 02452
Phone: (781) 314-0753
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