[wpkg-users] Diagnosing WPKG remove event log error message

Christopher Yee Mon christopher.yeemon at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 23:39:27 CEST 2010


I have a question about diagnosing a problem that I'm having
performing an uninstall using wpkg. I've set up the hosts, profiles
and packages.xml appropriately so that the install and upgrade work
correctly. I'm testing out the uninstall though and the uninstall
seems to be failing. The remove tag is the following:

<remove cmd='"C:\Program Files\ProgramFolder\Setup.exe" uninstall' />

And when i use that remove tag, I get the following error.

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: WSH
Event Category: None
Event ID: 2
Date: 8/25/2010
Time: 12:44:51 PM
User: N/A
Package processing (remove) failed for package Test Package.
However the package requires a reboot to complete. Rebooting.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

It just says that it failed. I'm not sure what the problem is. Is
there any way to further diagnose what could be making it fail? Now,
I've run that command manually and it is an interactive command, not a
silent one. So it pops up a dialog asking whether you really want to
uninstall. Could that be the reason that it failed? Even if it is, are
there other reasons that that error message specifically can be

Christopher Yee Mon

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