[wpkg-users] WPKG on Windows 7

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 20:00:58 CEST 2012

Am 11.09.2012 16:04, schrieb Marco Gaiarin:
> First doubt is about the ''client'': AFAI've understood:
> + WPKG Client work well on startup and shutdown on seven, but there's
>    no way to have notification messages.

Sorry, this is not correct.

During my testing the client was always killed after about 10 minutes 
after initiating the shutdown.

Vista and above don't allow to run a service any longer.

The Windows update is a separate thing and runs after all services have 
been killed, it is no longer initiated by the wuauclt service.

Your best bet is to create a scheduled task that checks if a user is 
logged on and runs WPKG.js if there is nobody logged on followed by a 

This can all be done by a DOS command script.

Stefan P.

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