[wpkg-users] Thunderbird and Lightning: Problems after upgrading to new version

Kris Lou klou at themusiclink.net
Wed Jan 13 18:50:18 CET 2016

I'd have to agree with Marco on this one.

When installed to "distributions/extensions", the extensions are then
directly copied to the user profile upon launch
(/%Appdata%/Tbird/profiles/xx/extensions), which is essentially the same as
the local user manually installing it.  If I recall, those problems
reported on tb-enterprise were directly related to this system-copy process
overwriting the user's extensions.

Another thing to consider is that "distributions/extensions" went away on
FF40, so we don't know if TB will still respect this path if/when the next
ESR is rebased.

So, it's probably best to simply copy the extension from
"distribution/extensions" to "extensions" as part of the install process --
especially since 38.5.1 shipped with Lightning, which wasn't
released as standalone.

More reading, that I'm sure you've already seen:


And just for kicks ... I uninstalled my copy of Lightning from TB
38.5.1 via Add-ons Manager, which removed the extension from %APPDATA%.
This then reverted to my older (standalone-system) installation of
Lightning, which resides in %ProgramFiles%/Mozilla
Thunderbird/extensions.  Obviously, I also have some things to fix.

Kris Lou
klou at themusiclink.net

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Marco Gaiarin <gaio at sv.lnf.it> wrote:

> Mandi! Stefan Pendl
>   In chel di` si favelave...
> > Since Thunderbird now includes Lightning, installing it separately
> > doesn't make any sense.
> > When Thunderbird is shipping with Lightning, Lightning will already
> > be installed globally, there is nothing to take care for.
> NO. It is true that TB now include Lightning, but as ''distribution
> extensions'' (eg in %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla
> Thunderbird\distribution\extensions\) and not as ''system'' one (eg, in
> %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Thunderbird\extensions\).
> There's a big difference!!!
> > Never had any issues with Thunderbird or Lightning, I just had to
> > remove the Lightning package after it was sipping with Thunderbird.
> Seems random trouble. Also i've never hit that, but there's some bugs
> opened and some posts on thunderbird enterprise list.
>         https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/tb-enterprise
> Seems correlated only on ''distribution'' way of installing extension.
> --
> dott. Marco Gaiarin                                     GNUPG Key ID:
> 240A3D66
>   Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''
> http://www.sv.lnf.it/
>   Polo FVG   -   Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078   -   San Vito al Tagliamento
> (PN)
>   marco.gaiarin(at)lanostrafamiglia.it   t +39-0434-842711   f
> +39-0434-842797
>                 Dona il 5 PER MILLE a LA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA!
>     http://www.lanostrafamiglia.it/25/index.php/component/k2/item/123
>         (cf 00307430132, categoria ONLUS oppure RICERCA SANITARIA)
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