[wpkg-users] Package for Chrome

Kris Lou klou at themusiclink.net
Mon Aug 24 20:33:21 CEST 2020

Here's mine.  I have a bunch of idiosyncrasies and bits and pieces of
cleanup commands, but the core of it is pretty straightforward.

The biggest part is probably the <check> -- chrome.exe file versioning has
been very consistent in matching the build number.

name="Google Chrome"

<chain package-id="chromepref"/>

<!-- <variable name="version" value="84.0.4147.125" /> -->
<variable name="version" value="84.0.4147.135" />
<variable name="version" value="84.0.4147.135" groups="testing"/>
<variable name="PKG_DESTINATION"
value="%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application" architecture="x86"/>
<variable name="PKG_DESTINATION"
value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Google\Chrome\Application" architecture="x64"/>

<check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
path="%PKG_DESTINATION%\chrome.exe" value="%version%" />

<install timeout="180" cmd='msiexec /i
NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1 /qn /norestart' >
target="wpkg\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64-%version%.msi" />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C del /Q
"%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Users\Public\Desktop\Google Chrome.lnk" ' >
<exit code="any" />
<!-- The following services are default to MANUAL.  If they are disabled,
then GoogleUpdate.exe prompts via UAC in order to run.  So, this adds
another layer before GoogleUpdate can run (with applied policy) -->
<install cmd='sc config "gupdate" start= disabled' >
<exit code='1060' />
<install cmd='sc config "gupdatem" start= disabled' >
<exit code='1060' />

<install cmd='gpupdate /force' >
<check type="logical" condition="not" >
<check type="registry" condition="exists"
path="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update\UpdateDefault" />
<exit code='any' />

<upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C taskkill /im chrome.exe /F' >
<exit code="any" />
<upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C taskkill /im GoogleUpdate.exe /F' >
<exit code="any" />
<upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C forfiles /P
/S /M chrome_installer.exe /C "%COMSPEC% /C @path --system-level"' >
<exit code="any" />

<upgrade include="install" />

<remove cmd='msiexec /qn /x
%TEMP%\wpkg\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64-%version%.msi' >
target="wpkg\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64-%version%.msi" />

Kris Lou
klou at themusiclink.net

On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 7:03 AM Steve Kersley <steve.kersley at keble.ox.ac.uk>

> Does anyone have a decent way to create a package for Google Chrome that
> works reliably?
> Being a simple MSI, it should be straightforward.  But our finding is that
> some of the time, in an inconsistent and unpredictable way, the enterprise
> version of Chrome sometimes installs itself with the MSI version number
> rather than the Chrome version number (from the current version:
> ’68.12.49287’ vs ’84.0.4147.135’).  Obviously this triggers wpkg to think
> there’s a new version when there isn’t as the versions don’t match.  The
> installer itself knows not to update which doesn’t clear the problem – the
> version number showing in Add/Remove remains the MSI version until the next
> update.  If it was consistently one way or the other, it would be trivial.
> But I’d estimate it gets it right about 80% of the time.  There’s been an
> open issue on the Chromium issue tracker about it doing this for 10 years
> with still no fix, or even acknowledgement that there’s a problem to fix:
> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=67348
> In normal circumstances, I would (and have done for some time) just leave
> it, it doesn’t cause any harm to have it try to reinstall Chrome.  But in
> these strange times, I have a lot of staff remote working via remote
> desktop, and they are reluctant to reboot their PCs remotely at the end of
> the day.  As a result I’ve been trialling ‘sonicnkt’s fork of wpkg-gp plus
> the system tray client that notifies of pending updates, and the problem
> now is that when Chrome has installed itself like this, the tray tool pops
> up an update notification every 30m or so, for an update that simply won’t
> go away.
> Steve.
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