[sheepdog-users] Snashot and backup

Valerio Pachera sirio81 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 08:33:49 CET 2012

2012/12/6 Liu Yuan <namei.unix at gmail.com>:

> $ qemu-img sheepdog:image -O format(such as qcow2) backup_name

This is it.
That way I can store a file somewhere out of the cluster.

Till now I used lvm to give block device to the guests.
To backup volumes, I usualy:
- turn off the guest
- create an lvm snapshot
- restart the guest
- copy the snapshot by dd
This way I have a very low down time because I do not have to keep off
the guest till the end of the backup (think of a large image, 50 or
more giga).

Is it possible to convert a vdi disk from a snaphsot using the same logic?

> Besides 'qemu-img convert', we can also use 'vdi
> read/write/setattr/getattr' the sheepdog images.
> You can even mount those images locally via sheepfs.

Ok, I have to dig into that a bit :-)

> What did you do between the time it went away? I can't reproduce the
> problem. The 'c' indicator always hangs there on my box

Well, I do not know if it is a problem.
I remember I started a new guest using that disk and created a snaphost on it.

Thank you.

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