[Sheepdog] [ANNOUNCE] Sheepdog 0.2.0 released

Serge Leschinsky serge.leschinsky at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 06:47:10 CET 2011


One possible issue with 'qemu-img convert' was found (see at the end of message).

So, the test setup is:

root at dl1:~ # collie node list
   Idx   Node id (FNV-1a) - Host:Port
   0     019804cfbd7818a4 -
   1     065c1b8de62d790a -
* 2     1d70148c0957e639 -

root at dl1:~ # collie cluster info

Ctime                Epoch Nodes
2011-01-04 20:19:20      1 [,,]

root at dl1:~ # collie vdi list
   name        id    size    used  shared    creation time   vdi id
   kuku         1  1.0 GB  0.0 MB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19     a085
   mumu         1  1.0 GB  0.0 MB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19   22dba1
   nunu         1  1.0 GB  0.0 MB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19   873da9


 > - live migration
 > A is the source host, B is the destination host, 'test' is the vdi name of 
 > 1. Start the VM on A
 >   $ qemu sheepdog:test
 > 2. Start the VM on B with '-incoming' option
 >   $ qemu sheepdog:test -incoming tcp:0:4444
 > 3. Do migration in the qemu monitor on A
 >   (qemu) migrate -d tcp:B:4444
 > See also:
 >    http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Migration

Migration was flawless!


 > - run VMs outside the cluster
 > A is one of the Sheepdog nodes, 'test' is the vdi name of Sheepdog.
 > Then run:
 >   $ qemu sheepdog:A:7000:test
 > '7000' is a port number the sheep daemon uses.

  - from the 4th node the following VM has been created (boot from Live-CD):

qemu-kvm -name DL  -smp 1  -m 256 -vnc :07 -localtime \
-usb -usbdevice tablet -net nic,macaddr=52:54:1a:89:90:09,model=virtio,vlan= \
-net tap,ifname=tap07,vlan=  -pidfile /var/run/kvm/bob.pid  \
-monitor unix:/var/run/kvm/bob.mon,server,nowait \
-boot d \
-hda sheepdog:  \
-drive index=1,media=cdrom,if=ide,file=/backups/kvm-images/bootcd.iso \
-clock unix -daemonize -enable-kvm

Everything is OK.

  - Install the system on hda (sheepdog:

Everything is OK.

- Boot the VM from sheepdog VDI and connect 2 other VDIs (from different nodes)

qemu-kvm -name DL  -smp 1  -m 256 -vnc :07 -localtime \
-usb -usbdevice tablet -net nic,macaddr=52:54:1a:89:90:09,model=virtio,vlan= \
-net tap,ifname=tap07,vlan=  -pidfile /var/run/kvm/bob.pid  \
-monitor unix:/var/run/kvm/bob.mon,server,nowait \
-boot c \
-hda sheepdog: \
-hdb sheepdog: \
-hdc sheepdog: \
-clock unix -daemonize -enable-kvm

dd from one sheepdog drive to another one:
root at testnode:~ # dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
2097152+0 records in
2097152+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 444.52 s, 2.4 MB/s

root at dl1:~ # collie vdi list
   name        id    size    used  shared    creation time   vdi id
   kuku         1  1.0 GB  1.0 GB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19     a085
   mumu         1  1.0 GB  184 MB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19   22dba1
   nunu         1  1.0 GB  0.0 MB  0.0 MB 2011-01-04 20:19   873da9

Everything is OK.

- qemu-img convert sheepdog:  /tmp/ttt.img

Everything is OK, I can boot from /tmp/ttt.img

- qemu-img convert  /tmp/ttt.img sheepdog:


qemu-img convert  /tmp/ttt.img sheepdog:
failed connect to localhost:7000

qemu-img: sheepdog: error while converting raw: 
Input/output error

OpenSuse 11.3, qemu-img version 0.13.0


Please let me know if you need more information.


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