[wpkg-announce] Announcement: WPKG 1.1.0 release

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Wed May 27 11:50:45 CEST 2009

Hi Daniel,

Daniel Dehennin wrote:
> I must confess that I'm quite confuse with the SVN repository:
> - the current-development branch does not exists any more,
> - the stable branch is not a tag of a particular revision of the
>   current-development branch.

We are using SVN and not CVS. In CVS it's normal to use tags and branch-tags. In
SVN revisions can be moved (moves are versioned as well). So the
current-development branch still exists but is currently empty. The code
previously under current-development has moved to the stable/1.1/ directory now
as it became stable.

As always only the latest version of a brancht/tree is managed I don't see a
reason yet to use tags to mark revisions. The latest one is to be used.

So I am most probably going to check in the first 1.2 testing release into
current-development/1.2 and when it's going to be released it's moved to the
stable/ tree.

Probably you're used to CVS versioning where moving is uncommon (means a
re-checkin) but rather tagging and branch-tagging is usual. In SVN moving the
files to directories is similar to branch-tagging in CVS.


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