[wpkg-users] Adobe Reader 8 (german) install problem

Dennis Kuhlmeier kuhlmeier at riege.com
Thu May 3 19:17:03 CEST 2007


I'm just fiddling around with WPKG at the moment and actually like
it, so I started creating packages for the software we usually
deploy in the office. Of course I took a lot of "inspiration" from
the wiki and managed to build some packages that are quite nice,
without being sure if I actually got to the bottom of the syntax of
a package.

However, to get to the point, whatever I do with the Adobe Reader
8.0 (german), it installs fine but there is no entry added in wpkg.ini

I could probably still live with that, although automatic
deinstallation will of course fail, but the app is reinstalled at
each boot, probably I didn't get the whole "check" thingy right.
I tried to remove the "upgrade" command but still it reinstalls. As
the registry patch was reapplied each time that was no big surprise.

Anyway, I tested both methods described here:

They pretty much act the same, the only changes I made were removing
the download command and changing the names to the corresponding
german ones. What I ended up with atm is attached and pretty much
the same as the alternate method from the wiki with some checks
added, they all do not work, as mentioned above...

Any idea if I am making major mistakes, I have 5 other packages atm
which run just smoothly, including uninstalls!

Thanks in advance,


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