[wpkg-users] Profile inconsistency when using separate files instead of a single file

Sébastien BEAUDLOT sebastien.beaudlot at univ-avignon.fr
Mon Mar 31 14:32:19 CEST 2008

>>> If you cannot find the reason, send us the log file.

This is the log when packages.xml contains nothing but the header and 

> If I would try to move from packages.xml to different xml files in
> packages\, I would - instead of cleaning whole packages.xml - suggest to
> only comment (or delete) one package within packages.xml, create a
> packages\(packagename).xml with the lines
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <packages>
>   (lines of the commented package here)
> </packages>
> and test if that works. If it is ok, you can move the other packages to
> single xml files.

Tried this way. But the first package commented in packages.xml and 
added by a separate file generates the same error ( profile inconsistency ).

Tomasz Chmielewski a écrit :
 > Could you paste the contents of the first file (XML) listed in the debug
 > output?

95-wpkg-client.xml :

	name="Service WPKG 1.2rc6"
	<check type="logical" condition="and">
		<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG"/>
		<check type="file" condition="versionequalto" 
path="%ProgramFiles%\wpkg\WPKGSrv.exe" value="" />
	<install cmd='msiexec /qn /norestart /i "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-client\WPKG 
Client 1.2-rc6.msi" SETTINGSFILE=%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-client\settings.xml 
		<exit code="3010" />
	<install cmd='cmd /c del /F "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Bureau\WPKG 
Parameters.lnk"' />

Sorry for this problem, but i really want to make it work.

Sébastien BEAUDLOT
Technicien Informatique
Tèl: 04 90 84 38 41
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