Hi, a took me a while to understand a strange behaviour of WPKG client (1.2.1, 1.3.5) when the script file is specified as UNC path (\\server\share\...\wpkg.js), and a user for that path is not specified (instead using the computer account, which can access DFS). I used to specify the path enclosed in double quotes, since it might contain spaces. This setup worked, although "Test settings..." in wpkginst.exe always fails in 'Trying to read "\\server\share\...\wpkg.js"'. When I remove the double quotes, "Test settings..." first to tries 'Connecting to \\server\share\...\wpkg.js', which fails after ca. 30 seconds with "WNetAddConnection2-> Access Denied". Than it succeeds in 'Trying to read \\server\share\...\wpkg.js'. However, this setup fails to actually run the script, leaving a ""WNetAddConnection2-> Access Denied" in the event log. 1. I do not know whether this connection setup is needed when a user is specified in wpkg.inst, but it doesn't work in the computer account/DFS setup. Can this be fixed? 2. From what I see in service.cpp: (ServiceStart, 924-928) and TestSettings.cpp (CTestSettings::TryRead, 152-), I think that paths which contain white space characters and/or double quotes are not working in some places. Thank you, Kai Pastor. |