[wpkg-users] problem with "interactive" installers

Aleks Bromfield aleks at cs.brown.edu
Thu Sep 25 06:25:16 CEST 2008

Hi everyone!

My organization has been using WPKG for the past month or two, and
it's been great -- much better than repackaging! :) In the past few
days, however, I've noticed a few weird issues with WPKG when it's run
as a scheduled task. Specifically:

- The Firefox installer hangs.
- The Cygwin installer refuses to pop up any kind of dialog box, and thus hangs.

We had the same issue when trying out the WPKG client. The only way
we've been able to avoid this problem is by invoking WPKG
interactively, often by using psexec.

Has anyone experienced similar problems?

(This is occurring on Vista.)

Thanks so much for any help you can give!

~ Aleks

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