[wpkg-users] WPKG Server 1.1.0 breaks packages working in 1.0.4
Pendl Stefan
stefan.pendl at haidlmair.at
Mon May 25 20:23:46 CEST 2009
I have successfully used WPKG 1.0.4, so I switched to 1.1.0 for production, this breaks some of my packages.
1st case:
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Acrobat Reader\AdbeRdr910_de_DE.exe" /sAll /rs /l /msi /qn EULA_ACCEPT=YES SUPPRESS_APP_LAUNCH=YES AgreeToLicense=Yes ENABLE_CACHE_FILES=No allusers=2 ' />
The above will return an exit code of 1, when wrapped inside %COMSPEC% and output redirection, it does work without the wrapping.
2nd case:
<install timeout="600" cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Sun Java\jre-6u13-windows-i586-p.exe" /s /v "/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress"' />
The above won't work either, exit code 1 ???
It seems that the install string is not parsed, but is always wrapped inside the ComSpec and redirection, so
<install cmd='%ComSpec% /c net stop JavaQuickStarterService'><exit code='2' /></install>
results in
%COMSPEC% /c %ComSpec% /c net stop JavaQuickStarterService >NUL 2>&1
Rainer my you share the install lines for Acrobat Reader and Java you use with 1.1.0 ?
Thanks in advance,
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