Try using this format for the command for psexec psexec \\machinename or @host.xml -u domainname\user -p yourpassword msiexec /i "\\servername\folder\WPKG Client 1.3.9-x32.msi" /qb SETTINGSFILE=\\servername\folder\settings.xml Make sure that your psexec user is a member of the domain admins or admin user on the local machine. Also omit the quotes around the host.xml and settings file areas if there are no additional spaces in the folder names. I've used this exact command to deploy the client to our whole domain in about 10 minutes. The way you have the command set it looks like your trying to deploy from a local folder on each machine, I have the command set to run from a server share or folder. Works like a charm! -- Christopher Rector, MCSE OBGYN IT Administrator Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Department of Ob/Gyn 217-545-9182 |