Hello, >> I could imagine that on these machines the wpkg service has no rights to >> write wpkg.xml into c:\windows\system32. Is the wpkg.xml file there? >> > I'm using the last WPKG server (1.3) and the last WPKG CLient. > > ======================================================= > Event Type: Error > Event Source: WSH > Description: > Unable to add result of check to settings: The process cannot access the > file because it is being used by another process. > ======================================================= > > If it's related to WPKG in some way, this could be an issue: one of the > checks fails instead of being successful and thus the program is > re-installed. I think it's quite clear then: if you run the domain script on startup without checking if WPKG client is already present, then the WPKG Service and the Domain Script run simultaneously ... IMHO WPKG service normally checks, if wpkg.js is already running, and does nothing then. These are the majority of machines ... But if WPKG service is running first, and then your domain script, it doesn't check but just starts wpkg.js with your parameters. > > The odd thing is that some machines that did non report the error on friday > (infact on friday the WPKG client has not been reinstalled on that machines) > has the error today and viceversa. Yes that's clear too, since it's perhaps a timing problem if WPKG service or domain script starts first. I think you have two options - just delete/deactivate the domain script, since wpkg client has been deployed to all machines probably in the mean time, or - use a script which first checks if %programfiles\wpkg\wpkginst.exe is present, e.g. wpkginstall.cmd containing if exist %programfiles\wpkg\wpkginst.exe exit 0 \\serverip\WPKG\wpkg.js /install:WPKG_Client /quiet /nonotify /noreboot I think this could be enough. HTH Falko |