[wpkg-users] Push Install WPKG with Psexec

David Petterson david at ifm.liu.se
Tue Dec 13 08:34:58 CET 2011

> If you can "pass" me that script i will be more than happy to use it instead
> of wasting hours trying to make psexec work with wpkg client. :)

I use a two parted script for this, they are not very pretty, but they 
work! I have plans to do a version check to be able to upgrade the WPKG 
client to the latest version, but since I can upgrade the WPKG client by 
using WPKG, it is not that critical.
I made them when I upgraded from WPKG client version 1.2 to 1.3.9, and 
the upgrade failed on several clients.

The first script called wpkg.cmd is called by my startup.cmd and will 
check that a 64-bit system does not run a 32-bit client. It will send a 
mail using "blat" to an address you specify, using an existing 
SMTP-server in your system. If you dont want that, just remove the two 
lines before GOTO :EOF.
Previously I also set autostart to delayed autostart, but after a while 
I changed it back since it conflicted with Windows Update also starting 
delayed. It will also change the dependens for the service to make sure 
that the network is started before WPKG runs. This was a big problem 
with Windows 7, and WPKG run very badly without a network! ;)

The second script is located on another server, but can run from 
wherever you put the MSI files and the config xml.
I have not upgraded to the latest WPKG client, because I have had bad 
experience upgrading the client before, and I dont want to fix what aint 

If any of you have ideas how to make it better, please share! :)


David Petterson <david at ifm.liu.se>		Phone: +46(0)13-28 2617
Systems Administrator
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Linköping University
Office: F F202
SE 581 83 Linköping, Sweden
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