[wpkg-users] dia uninstall

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Thu Mar 17 20:32:48 CET 2011

Hi Mario,

On 17.03.2011 19:47, Mario Kerecki wrote:
> I just installed dia according to the quickstart guide, the install went
> perfectly, but the uninstall failed. 
> I believe this is because we have winxp 64 bit and the variable in the
> remove command does not point to the x86 directory on windows:
> <remove cmd='%PROGRAMFILES%\dia\dia-0.97.1-1-uninstall.exe /S' />
> I tried changing the line to this:
> <remove cmd='C:\Program Files (x86)\dia\dia-0.97.1-uninstall.exe /S' />
> but still no joy. This isn't terribly urgent, I just wanted to know how
> to deal with both 32 bit and 64 bit programs prior to mass deploying

I am used to deploy a simple uninstall script at the application source folder
which deals with any environment. In case of Dia I am placing the following code
into "unattended-uninstall.cmd" and place it in my %SOFTWARE%\Dia folder. Feel
free to use any name or location and then just refer to the script in your
remove command so WPKG will execute it:

@echo off
:: This ia a very simple uninstaller script which was written to just run an
:: existing uninstaller in silent mode.


:: This is required to evaluate the target of %ProgramFiles% on 64-bit systems
:: Please note that this is required only if you uninstall a 32-bit application.
:: set PROGRAM_FILES=%ProgramFiles%
:: if not "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" set PROGRAM_FILES=%ProgramFiles(x86)%

:: Path where the uninstaller is located
set APP_DIR=Dia

:: Options to be passed to the uninstaller in order to uninstall silently

:: ############################################################################
:: No need to change anything below this line (usually ;-))
:: ############################################################################
echo Removing Application
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\%APP_DIR%" goto skip32bit
for /f %%I IN ('dir /b "%ProgramFiles%\%APP_DIR%\dia*uninstall.exe"') DO (
  start /wait "Uninstall" "%ProgramFiles%\%APP_DIR%\%%I" %OPTIONS%

if not exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%APP_DIR%" goto skip64bit
for /f %%I IN ('dir /b "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%APP_DIR%\dia*uninstall.exe"') DO (
  start /wait "Uninstall" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%APP_DIR%\%%I" %OPTIONS%

if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 0 goto end
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\%APP_DIR%" rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\%APP_DIR%"
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%APP_DIR%" rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%APP_DIR%"

exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

In fact the script is quite generic and I use it for any kind of programs which
require the uninstaller to be called from %ProgramFiles%. Well, usually the for
loop loops over unins*.exe. In case of dia it's naming scheme is slightly different.

Moreover the Dia uninstaller seem to have an issue. When you have a Dia
installation which has been upgraded earlier you might have multiple
dia-<version>-uninstall.exe uninstallers. The script will just call them all in

In addition the uninstaller seems to be partially broken. It does not remove the
folders but removes the registry entries and files. So you end up with the
folders and some DLL files left. To fix this I will remove the "Dia" folder
after successful uninstall. A quick test on my machine showed that uninstall
works perfectly here (except it leaves the Dia folder itself in %ProgramFiles%).
It will most likely even work when Dia is available as 64-bit edition.

Feel free to paste this script into the WPKG wiki.


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