[wpkg-users] Empty remove command

VERDEYEN Jonathan jverdeyen at automatic-systems.com
Mon Nov 21 12:33:49 CET 2011

I am setting-up WPKG for our company and have cases where I have empty remove commands which seems to be a problem when I remove packages as it will think the uninstall failed when doing the install checks.
As I saw in an old thread having empty remove commands should allow to remove a package without uninstalling the software, I guess the install check on remove is something new and it is a good thing but I don't know how to handle these 2 cases :

1°) Software that depends on Microsoft updates/software :
Our ERP software (Dynamics AX 2009) needs .NET Framework so I created (copied) a package for it and had the Dynamics AX package depend on it.
But in case I remove the Dynamics AX package from the profile, I would rather not have .NET Framework uninstalled.
I guess for this particular case I could just put it in a "Base" profile  and have it apply to all computers or is there another way ?

2°) Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2009 has a base installation and then you have to apply updates on each computer (no slipstream) and those updates might be individual hotfixes or a cumulative service pack/rollup packages.
So right now we have to install Release 1/RTM, then SP1, then SP1 Rollup 7 but could later have to add a hotfix, but maybe even later it will be replaced by a service pack 2 or another rollup that has to be applied to SP1.

So I created packages for the base install and another one for each update as it would allow to check the version and only apply the necessary patches to a not up-to-date computer (although whenever we update, we make sure to update all the computers) and not reapply patches that were already installed.
In my profile I actually apply only the last update which depends on the previous update, which depends on the base package (which depends on .net).
But of course, you can't uninstall the updates, if you uninstall, you uninstall the whole software, so I have the remove commands in the base package and no remove commands in the update packages (as I said, we might have the case that an update is not necessary anymore because it's replaced by a service pack or rollup, it has happened before so I want to be ready for it).
I thought it all made sense but my problem is when I remove the package from the profile, it will try to uninstall the last update and fail as the install checks succeed and stop proceeding to any further uninstall as it couldn't uninstall the dependent package.

In the end, I think there should be an option to remove a package without uninstalling the software, or is there already ?
Thank you :)

Jonathan Verdeyen
IT Engineer

Automatic Systems S.A. - Avenue Mercator, 5 - 1300 Wavre - Belgique
Phone: +32 (0)10 23 02 97 - Fax : +32 (0)10 23 02 02

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