[wpkg-users] Delayed sevice start

John Danks john.danks at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 18:50:29 CET 2011

WPKG Client has a few settings you might try. I haven't experimented with
logon delay, but it's there under Logon Settings / Execution mode.

In my environment we had some new PCs that were too fast and the network
wasn't ready by the time WPKG started, so it would fail. We set Misc
settings / WPKG execution on failure / Repeat count to 3 and it retries 3
times, which is long enough for the network to be ready. You could probably
set it much higher to keep it retrying for a while.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Alan Adams <alan at adamshome.org.uk> wrote:

> Is there a way to delay the start of the wpkg service?
> I have two reasons for wanting to do this. First when using WindowsXP
> Home on laptops, the wireless network doesn't start until after login,
> so the wpkg service has run and given up before the network appears.
> For this situation, wpkg needs to start after login has completed.
> Secondly with a classroom of 30 wireless laptops starting up, wpkg is
> using so much aggregate bandwidth dragging down large msi's (e.g.
> Adobe Reader) that logging in can take up to half an hour. In this
> case delay after login would work, or delay after startup.
> For the former case I have had to resort to a scheduled task running
> every 15 minutes doing net stop and net start on the service. There
> doesn't seem to be an option to run once some period after login, but
> it can be set to run periodically starting at login. 15 minutes was
> chosen to reduce the risk of stopping wpkg while it was doing an
> installation, against the risk of the laptop being shut down before it
> had started - many lessons are only 15 minutes long.
> --
> Alan Adams, from Northamptonshire
> alan at adamshome.org.uk
> http://www.nckc.org.uk/
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