[wpkg-users] setting variables depending on hostnames

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 21:43:26 CET 2011

Am 29.11.2011 05:27, schrieb Chris Mortimer:
> Hello Peter,
> Personally, I would have a central text file (on the wpkg server) that contains lines like:
> Hostname:serial number
> I'd then write a script that would be run before the Acrobat install line in your xml file. This script would read through the central text file, looking for the provided hostname - first argument to the script, and return the serial number. If this script is ran for a dos For command, you could then assign the serial number to a variable which you'd then add to your Acrobat install line. Yes, it would require writing something to do some file reading and return a value but at least you can use the same xml file everywhere and maintain one central config file.

It is not needed to complicate things by introducing an additional 
parser, since this can be done already with the latest WPKG release 
candidate available at 

You can do something along the following lines:

'---code start (watch for line wraps)

<profile id="AcrobatSerials">
     <variable name="ACROBAT_SERIAL" value="..." hostname="office1"/>
     <variable name="ACROBAT_SERIAL" value="..." hostname="office2"/>
     <variable name="ACROBAT_SERIAL" value="..." hostname="office3"/>
     <variable name="ACROBAT_SERIAL" value="..." hostname="office4"/>

'---code end

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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