[wpkg-users] existing installed software does not get updates fromwpkg

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 19:40:56 CEST 2011

> How can I add a new package for existing software, so that 
> the first time the package definition is seen, even though 
> the check returns true, it still gets re-installed because it 
> was never installed by wpkg before.

Use the following command line to generate a help document:

cscript wpkg.js /help >wpkg_help.txt


Depending on the wpkg.js version you have installed, you may use the /forceinstall switch.

I really doubt this is needed, since installers seldom change the installed components, if the application is already installed.
I have always found it to be enough to have the applications checked for being installed.


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