[wpkg-users] Skype MSI Uninstall String

Carlos R. Pasqualini pasqualinic at fcal.uner.edu.ar
Thu Dec 11 15:04:50 CET 2014

Hi list!

I'm having issues with the Skype upgrade, in particular MSI error 1638
See: http://wpkg.org/Skype#Skype_-_Business_Version_.28MSI_installer.29

WPKG is searching for it on the registry uninstall, determining the
DisplayVersion when comparing for check uninstall

Indeed, the command that i need to execute is the command enclosed in
the Registry Key 'UninstallString' of the previously installed package

The question is:

Is there a way to obtain the installed version's product code, or to
execute the command included in 'UninstallString'?

Nowadays i have one remove command for each product code i knew of for
Skype previous versions, but i think this is not an ideal solution, it's
just an ugly hack.


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