[wpkg-users] Behaviour of chained packages

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Wed Mar 26 19:05:59 CET 2014

Hi Dafydd,

On 26.03.2014 18:01, Dafydd Jones (techneg.it) wrote:
> However, the documentation still suggests that a chained package is installed
> /directly after /the chaining package unless certain conditions apply - none of
> which apply in my case.
> Also, what, then, is the functional difference between /chaining/ and
> /including/ a package?

Yes, very precisely chained packages are indeed applied exactly after the 
package which specifies the chain. But as said this is no hard dependency, so if 
the chained package is listed in the profile or otherwhise included (due to an 
include for example) then it might also be applied before the package specifying 
the chain.

So if the chained package is listed nowhere in the profile and not included by 
any other package you will indeed see it applied right after the package 
specifying the chain.

For included packages it is more about just adding the package to the package 
tree even before WPKG starts to work on the package synchronization.

In general there are only subtle differences and if you really have a dependeny, 
then you should specify one :)


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