[wpkg-users] Applying software restriction policies via WPKG...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at sv.lnf.it
Wed Jan 7 12:28:38 CET 2015

Mandi! Dafydd Jones (techneg.it)
  In chel di` si favelave...

> yes, I have done exactly that after being hit by Cryptolocker back in late
> 2013.
> The key for me is to use a couple of little-known Microsoft tools to apply
> local group policy in scriptable form.
> The tools are described  here: 
> http://supportishere.com/how-to-apply-local-group-policy-settings-silently-using-the-importregpol-exe-and-apply_lgpo_delta-exe-utilities/

Interesting how Microsoft ''unofficially'' produce many set of tools
that do barely the same things, in different way.

I'm using (with WPKG) LocalGPO:

that have the advantage that can use the MLGPO:


> So, you set up the GPOs/SRP on a test machine, run the tool to convert the GPO
> into textual form and then reapply to production machines using wpkg. It's a
> pretty blunt method but has done the trick for me over the past year.

...but i'm intrigued by your ''textual form''; LocalGPO use some sort
of ''binary blob''...

Anyway, surely this way works. But it is still, for me, suboptimal for
use with WPKG because there's no way to ''check'' for effectiveness.

I tent to use direct registry editing, if possible, just because i can
check that, and so be sure that is effective.

Anyway, thanks.

dott. Marco Gaiarin				        GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''                    http://www.sv.lnf.it/
  Polo FVG   -   Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078   -   San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  marco.gaiarin(at)lanostrafamiglia.it   t +39-0434-842711   f +39-0434-842797

	(cf 00307430132, categoria ONLUS oppure RICERCA SANITARIA)

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