[wpkg-users] Firefox addon question

Donny Brooks dbrooks at mdah.state.ms.us
Tue Oct 16 21:51:19 CEST 2012

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 09:33 AM CDT, "Donny Brooks" <dbrooks at mdah.state.ms.us> wrote: 
> I am trying to push out adblock plus for our users to use in firefox. However I have two problems:
> 1. Version 1.3.10 will install just fine but when I change the version to 2.1.2 it just hangs the wpkg window. I have to CTRL+C to get it to go to the next thing. (NOTE: I am testing this in a cmd prompt as Administrator on a windows 7 machine using the command cscript \\servername\wpkg\wpkg.js /synchronize)
> 2. Is there any way with the latest Firefox (16.0.1) to auto enable addons? Or will my users have to click enable on them? I see that the behaviour changed in FF8 to make users click enable by default but is there a policy I can push with my mozilla.cfg to make this automatic?
> -- 
> Donny B.
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Here is my xml file for the package. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


	<variable name="version" value="2.1.2" />
	<variable name="extid" value="{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}" />
	<variable architecture="x86" name="INSTALL_PATH" value="%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox" />
	<variable architecture="x64" name="INSTALL_PATH" value="%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox" />
  <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\chrome.manifest" />
  <install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%VERSION%" "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' />
  <install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" /v %EXTID% /d "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" /f' />

  <upgrade cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code="128" />
    <exit code="-1073741515" />
  <upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" rmdir /q /s "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%"' />
  <upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%VERSION%" "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' /> 
  <upgrade cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" /v %EXTID% /d "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" /f' />

  <remove cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe">
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code="128" />
    <exit code="-1073741515" />
  <remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" rmdir /q /s "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%"' />
  <remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg delete "HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" /v %EXTID% /f' />


With the 2.1.2 in there I cannot get it to complete, it just hangs. However if I put 1.3.10 in there it works fine. I did test that I can manually run the install and upgrade commands in a cmd box and it completes properly. The log files read as follows:

With version 2.1.2 trying to install:

2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Going to install package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock), Revision 2.1.2, (execute flag is '', notify flag is 'true').
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Not yet processed during this session.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Comparing version: '2.1.2' <=> '1.3.10'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Comparing version fragments: '2' <=> '1'
2012-10-16 14:42:27, INFO    : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Already installed but version mismatch.|Installed revision: '1.3.10'|Available revision: '2.1.2'.|Preparing upgrade.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Prepared for upgrade.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Installation of references (dependencies) for 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock) successfully finished.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, INFO    : Installing 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock)...
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Reading variables from package 'Adblock+'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' does not match expression 'x86'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x86'. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' matches expression 'x64'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x64
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '2.1.2'
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Got variable 'extid' of value '{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Got variable 'INSTALL_PATH' of value '%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'SOFTWARE=\\management\wpkg\software'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'version=2.1.2'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'extid={d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'INSTALL_PATH=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Install type: upgrade
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Fetched 4 upgrade command(s).
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Executing command: 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe'.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, INFO    : Command 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe' returned  exit code [128]. This exit code indicates success.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, INFO    : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [128]. This exit code indicates success.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" rmdir /q /s "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}" rmdir /q /s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}\"').
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [0]. Success.
2012-10-16 14:42:27, DEBUG   : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%VERSION%" "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C xcopy /E /Y "\\management\wpkg\software\firefox\adblock\2.1.2" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}\"').

With version 1.3.10 installing (yes I had to force the install by fooling it to version 1.3.11 but it's 1.3.10...):

2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Going to install package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock), Revision 1.3.11, (execute flag is '', notify flag is 'true').
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Not yet processed during this session.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Comparing version: '1.3.11' <=> '1.3.10'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Comparing version fragments: '1' <=> '1'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Comparing version fragments: '3' <=> '3'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Comparing version fragments: '11' <=> '10'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, INFO    : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Already installed but version mismatch.|Installed revision: '1.3.10'|Available revision: '1.3.11'.|Preparing upgrade.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Package 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock): Prepared for upgrade.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Installation of references (dependencies) for 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock) successfully finished.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, INFO    : Installing 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock)...
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from package 'Adblock+'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' does not match expression 'x86'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x86'. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' matches expression 'x64'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x64
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '1.3.10'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'extid' of value '{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'INSTALL_PATH' of value '%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'SOFTWARE=\\management\wpkg\software'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'version=1.3.10'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'extid={d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'INSTALL_PATH=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Install type: upgrade
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Fetched 4 upgrade command(s).
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Executing command: 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, INFO    : Command 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe' returned  exit code [128]. This exit code indicates success.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, INFO    : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [128]. This exit code indicates success.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" rmdir /q /s "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}" rmdir /q /s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}\"').
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [0]. Success.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /C xcopy /E /Y "%SOFTWARE%\firefox\adblock\%VERSION%" "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%\"' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C xcopy /E /Y "\\management\wpkg\software\firefox\adblock\1.3.10" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}\"').
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [0]. Success.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" /v %EXTID% /d "%INSTALL_PATH%\extensions\%EXTID%" /f' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions" /v {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}" /f').
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Command in installation of Adblock+ returned exit code [0]. Success.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Checking existence of package: Adblock+
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Reading variables from package 'Adblock+'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' does not match expression 'x86'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x86'. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x64' matches expression 'x64'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x64
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '1.3.10'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'extid' of value '{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Got variable 'INSTALL_PATH' of value '%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'SOFTWARE=\\management\wpkg\software'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'version=1.3.10'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'extid={d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Setting variable: 'INSTALL_PATH=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox'.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : The path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}\chrome.manifest' exists and is a file: the test was successful.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Searching for previously executed checks with attributes type='file', condition='exists', path='%INSTALL_PATH%\\extensions\\%EXTID%\\chrome.manifest'
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Unable to find any previously executed checks with these attributes.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Saving unsorted settings to 'C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml'.false
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Saving XML : C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Removing currently existing settings node first: 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock), Revision 1.3.10.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Removing package id 'firefox-adblock' from settings.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Adding settings node: 'Adblock+' (firefox-adblock), Revision 1.3.11.
2012-10-16 14:45:19, DEBUG   : Saving sorted settings to 'C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml'.true

It seems as though it keeps sticking on the "defaults" directory although there are only two files in there. I have tried everything I can think of to no avail. I am sticking with 1.3.10 until I can figure this out.

Donny B. 

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