[sheepdog-users] sheep target directory

Liu Yuan namei.unix at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 10:42:25 CEST 2013

On 06/05/2013 04:34 PM, Valerio Pachera wrote:
> sheep /var/sheepdog

I think put default directory in the /var/lib/sheepdog is bad. /var is
mostly be partitioned as standalone because many logs can very easily go

I'd like to write down the suggestion that we should use the a whole
dedicated partition and disable the default path /var/lib/sheepdog, that
is, users have to pass pathname to sheep binary.

> When sheep starts, it calculates the free space it can use.
> This free space may change if, for example, apache writes lot's of
> data in /var/www.
> I always used a whole device for sheep, but what is going to happen in
> the case above?

Get a ENOSPC error and the cluster get halted.

> I don't think sheep changes the wight of the node, right?

Yes, you are right.

> (I'm writing documentation so I need to know if the path given to
> sheep has to be the mount point of a device or any regular directory,
> no matter where it is).

That is cool, thank you.


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