[wpkg-users] WPKG over multiple sites using local storage

Troy Hamilton troy.a.hamilton at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 19:44:22 CEST 2011

> I'm looking at how's best to setup multiple WAN locations with our WPKG
> server. We currently have a WPKG server in London and are setting up an
> office in Europe. The two sites will be VPN'd together fine and the WPKG
> server will work fine over the WAN, but is there a way to ease the file
> transfer by having another server in the second office just to store the
> files/software to update to reduce the amount of traffic between the two
> offices?

I use this kind of setup within my organization.  I keep wpkg.bat on the
NETLOGON share of each domain controller, but it could also be kept on a
single server in the main office.  Then, I have wpkg.bat call setServer.bat
which sets the %SOFTWARE% environment variable to the correct local server
so that installers aren't pulled from across the WAN.

@echo off
:: This is a recommended way of starting WPKG.

:: Use WPKGROOT variable to define where wpkg.js script is.

:: Use PACKAGES variable to define where all your software/installers are.
:: You can later use the PACKAGES variable (and all other variables) in your
xml files.

set WPKGROOT=%~dp0
CALL "%~dp0setServer.bat"
set SOFTWARE=\\%SERVER%\software


c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe //nologo /E:JScript %WPKGROOT%\wpkg.js
/synchronize /noremove /quiet /nonotify /sendStatus


@echo off

set gw=
FOR /F "tokens=13 delims= " %%i IN ('c:\windows\system32\ipconfig.exe ^|
find /i "default gateway"') DO CALL :SETGW %%i
IF {%gw%}=={} GOTO :EOF



SET tmpgw=%1
IF {%tmpgw:~0,3%}=={199} set gw=%tmpgw%

IF {%gw%}=={} SET server=SERVER101
IF {%gw%}=={} SET server=SERVER102
IF {%gw%}=={} SET server=SERVER103

This method works pretty well for me.


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