[wpkg-users] Installs with /debug but not with client or standard /synchronize

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 13:28:55 CET 2012

Am 08.01.2012 13:14, schrieb Rainer Meier:
> If WPKG executes all desired upgrade and remove commands correctly, then
> it's usually an issue which has to be solved by fixing up the packages.
> As you indicate that sometimes some commands seem to continue "after the
> client progress bar goes away" (I guess you're referring to logon delay
> of WPKG-client on Windows XP) this indicates that some of your commands
> might fork and continue to run in background while returning to WPKG too
> quickly. So you might have to add additional waits (e.g. insert commands
> like 'ping -n 10 localhost") or do more intelligent checking to wait for
> the command to complete before letting WPKG continue.
> The VLC uninstaller is a very good example of bad practice, here I need
> to use such a similar loop to wait for the uninstaller to complete its job:

The NSIS installers are known to fork a second process, which runs a 
copy of the installer from the TEMP folder.

The template for the NSIS installer shipping with WPKG includes the 
solution to this problem.

As Rainer says, if you need detailed help we need detailed information 
and the debug logs are a good place to start with.

A brief description of your problem will only result in a guessing game ;-)

BTW, I have never encountered such a strange behavior with any of the 
WPKG releases I have used.

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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